Leland has been a grump most of today. I played with him on the floor off and on, moving his legs a lot, since it's probably gas. That seems to help sometimes. I put Finding Nemo on the television as well and he definitely was watching it, which was kinda cute.
I managed to squeeze in P90X today (chest, back and abs), despite Mr. Grumpy Gills. I did about half the program though, before he got too fussy.
Of course, as soon as Jeff gets home, Leland decides then to sleep like an angel. Literally. Most of today his naps were 20 minutes tops and now he's got such a peaceful look on his face, with his hands folded over each other, making his daddy think "Mommy's a liar! I've been super sweet just like this..."
Easter weekend was fun. Got to see family, enjoy yummy food, show off baby Leland to everybody, and not have time to go to the grocery store and plan meals for the week! We got a lot of salad leftover from yesterday, however. Which means, this week we'll be eating a lot of salad! We just had spaghetti tonight, with a salad and garlic bread. I didn't bother taking a photo this time. It was a pretty boring meal! Plus, I burned the bread...