Monday, April 12, 2010

Wow! We've been bad... For me, it's so much more motivating to make a meal every evening than it is to exercise everyday. I don't want to give up of course, we'll try to do better this week.

Looks like I got some part-time work to do, which is what kept me busy this afternoon. I met with a company called Mosaic Team, who's office is not too far from here. I'm going to be doing some design work for them from home. Always good to make a little extra money!

Leland was such a happy boy today too! He also got to visit with his Grandma Heywood while I met with the Mosaic Team. Apparently he slept the whole time I was gone.

Dinner tonight was BLT wraps. Instead of lettuce it was spinach... so really it was BST wraps. Yum!

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